Community Projects
The San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership (SBCHP) is committed to establishing and maintaining strong ties with the community. Through volunteer participation in various projects, the SBCHP helps to create a bond between the Partnership, Homeless Service Providers and the community. These projects consist of a biennial Point In Time Count, an Annual Shelter Count, Project Homeless Connects, and an annual Homeless Summit. Additionally, SBCHP promotes learning and education throughout technical assistance and workshops offered to the Homeless Service Providers.
Project Homeless Connect
The Project Connect event is a semi-annual event that is organized by the Office of Homeless Services and volunteers from various non-profits, cities, faith-based, and community-based organizations. It is a one-day community-wide event, with one goal…to end homelessness. It is also a one-stop for services and resources for both the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless, who live in the city where the event is held as well as surrounding areas.
Annual Homeless Summit
The Homeless Summit is an annual event organized by the Office of Homeless Services and volunteers from the Homeless Provider Network for the purpose of networking, education, and to discuss homeless issues with a range of speakers. This collaboration allows participants to share strategies and best practices. Annual Homeless Summit highlights achievements, changes, and upcoming projects in our Homeless Provider Network.

Annual Homeless Summit
Participate in civic processes and to advocate for housing services.

Partnership Resolutions
Cities and elected officials as partners give SBCHP needed support to effectively end homlessness in San Bernardino County.

Point-In-Time Count
Participate in the PITC survey to count the homeless in San Bernardino County.

Project Homeless Connects
Outreach, screenings, and services provided to the homeless.

Countywide Case Coordination
Coordinated entry process for individuals with barriers.