Homeless Management Information System
Homeless Management Information System Overview
The County of San Bernardino Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a coordinated system of computers that enable service, shelter and housing providers in different locations across the County to collect and share information about the homeless individuals and families seeking services.
This system of computers allows users to collect and store information that can be used to improve service delivery for their consumers as well as generate required reports for different funding sources, including the Annual Performance Report (APR) for HUD.
Who Should Participate?
All recipients of HUD funds for homelessness and homelessness prevention services are required to participate in the HMIS. This includes recipients of Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds, Supportive Housing Program (SHP), Shelter Plus Care (S+C), Section 8 Mod Rehab for SRO, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). In addition, HUD encourages participation of other federal programs that serve homeless persons. Participation of other organizations that do not receive HUD Continuum of Care funding is voluntary, but strongly encouraged.
Benefits of HMIS Participation
- Coordinating Services
- Decrease in duplicate intakes and assessments
- Improve agency effectiveness through tracking client outcomes
- Identify gaps in services
- Prepare mandated program and financial reports

HMIS Data Portal
Collect and store information to improve service delivery.

HMIS Helpdesk
Support for using the Data Portal.

HMIS Data Quality Agency Report Cards
Program information for data quality and completeness.

Training opportunities and important documents.