By order of the Board of Supervisors in September 2007, the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership (SBCHP) was formed to provide a more focused approach to issues of homelessness within the County. The Partnership consists of community and faith-based organizations, educational institutions, non profit organizations, private industry, and federal, state, and local governments.

SBCHP was developed to promote a strong collaboration between agencies to direct the planning, development, and implementation of the County’s 10-year Strategy to end chronic homelessness. The Partnership provides leadership in creating a comprehensive countywide network of service delivery to the homeless and near homeless families and individuals through facilitating better communication, planning, coordination, and cooperation among all entities that provide services and/or resources for the relief of homelessness in San Bernardino County.

CoC Membership
CoC Grants

Who can I call if I need assistance with basic needs or other homeless resources?

Please contact United Way 211 by calling “211”. The 2-1-1 Coordinated Entry System (CES) is available in San Bernardino County, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By dialing the 3-digit calling code, 2-1-1, the caller is connected to a live, bilingual homeless assistance call specialist who will help assess the caller’s situation and streamline access to homeless assistance services, screen applicants for eligibility for these and other programs in a consistent and well-coordinated way, and assess needs to determine which interventions are the best fit for each individual and/or family.


CoC Full Membership Meeting Agenda
CoC Full Membership Meeting Agenda 3.26.2025
All CoC Agenda 7.24.24
Draft Governance Charter 7/2024
CoC Membership 7.24.2024

Continuum of Care Board Meetings
CoC Board Meeting 2.26.2025
CoC Board Meeting 1.22.2025

Regional Steering Committee Meeting Agendas and Minute
East Desert RSC Meeting 03.20.2025
West Valley RSC Agenda 03.12.25
Desert RSC Agenda 3.11.2025
Mountain RSC Agenda 3.10.2025
Central Valley RSC Meeting Agenda 3.5.2025
West Valley RSC Agenda 02.12.25
East Desert RSC Meeting 02.20.2025
Desert RSC Agenda 2.11.2025
Mountain RSC Agenda 2.10.2025
Central Valley RSC Meeting Agenda 2.5.2025
Desert RSC Agenda 1.14.2025
Mountain RSC Agenda 1.13.2025
Central Valley RSC Special Meeting Agenda 1.8.2025
West Valley RSC Agenda 01.08.25
East Desert RSC Meeting 12/19/2024
West Valley RSC Agenda 12.11.24
Desert RSC Agenda 12.10.2024
Mountain RSC Agenda 12.09.2024
Central Valley RSC December Meeting Canceled

Standing Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Outreach and CES Committee Special Meeting 3.13.25
CES Oversight Committee Special Meeting 2.27.25
CES Oversight Committee 2.13.25
CES Oversight Committee 1.9.25
CES Oversight Committee 10.10.2024
Special Grant Review Committee Meeting 9.23.2024

Youth Advisory Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Youth Advisory Board Agenda Special Meeting 1.17.2025
Youth Advisory Board Agenda 8.23.2024

Homeless Youth Task Force Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Homeless Youth Task Force 2.7.2025
Homeless Youth Task Force 8.20.2024
Homeless Youth Task Force Agenda 08.23.2023

ICH Current Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Special ICH Meeting 11.07.2024
Special ICH Meeting 10.07.2024
ICH Meeting 8.28.2024
ICH Meeting 7.31.2024
ICH Meeting 6.26.2024-Cancelled
ICH Meeting 5.22.2024
ICH Meeting 4.24.2024
ICH Meeting 3.25.2024-Special
ICH Meeting 2.28.2024
ICH Meeting 1.24.2024

HPN Current Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Central Valley HPN Meeting Agenda 2.5.2025
Mountain HPN Agenda 1.13.2025
Central Valley HPN Special Meeting Agenda 1.8.2025

Grant Review Committee Meeting

August 15, 2023
11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 2487 965 2772
Passcode: Ntuh5TYM9A8

All CoC Meeting

July 26, 2023
8:30 am – 12:00 pm


East Valley RSC Meeting

November 16, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am

Mountain HPN & RSC Meeting

November 13, 2023
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Youth Advisor Board Meeting November 3, 2023
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Mountain HPN and RSC Meeting

September 11, 2023
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 5621 3419
Passcode: 534180

Special Desert RSC Meeting

September 12, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

West Valley RSC Meeting

September 13, 2023
9:00 am – 11:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 9494 6723
Passcode: 183200

Outreach and Coordinated Entry System Committee Meeting

August 10, 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 2488 226 0979
Passcode: 8rwTXmPyM87

Special Bylaws and Membership Committee Meeting

June 12, 2023
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
