To make the best use of resources and achieve the strongest outcomes, OHS coordinates an extensive network of organizations that deliver a multitude of services such as housing, life skills development, employment assistance, basic needs provision and other supportive services to either prevent homelessness or to assist people who are currently homeless.
Who can I call if I need assistance with basic needs or other homeless resources?
Please contact United Way 211 by calling “211”. The 2-1-1 Coordinated Entry System (CES) is available in San Bernardino County, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By dialing the 3-digit calling code, 2-1-1, the caller is connected to a live, bilingual homeless assistance call specialist who will help assess the caller’s situation and streamline access to homeless assistance services, screen applicants for eligibility for these and other programs in a consistent and well-coordinated way, and assess needs to determine which interventions are the best fit for each individual and/or family.
HMIS Forms

Definitions of Homelessness
Hearth Act: Definition of Homelessness
Housing California: Federal Definition of Homelessness
Capacity Building Presentations
Understanding Homeless Diversion and Progressive Engagement in Systems to End Homelessness
Performance Measurement and Data Strategies for Improving Our Response to Homelessness
Important Documents
Spiceworks Quick Reference Guide Via Email
Spiceworks Quick Reference Guide Via Portal
HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual
CES HEAP Orientation Presentation
HEAP Presentations March 28, 2019
HMIS Grievance Form
HMIS Grievance Procedure
Mandatory Information Notice: English | Spanish
Notice of Equal Access/Anti-Discrimination: English | Spanish
HMIS Privacy Posting/Notice: English | Spanish
Client-Consent-and-Information-Release: English | Spanish
Introduction to the San Bernardino CES Regional Access Point Agencies
Inland SoCal United Way & 211
CES Mountain – Mountain Homeless Coalition
CES Central Valley – Family Assistance Program/Ben Jones Resource Center
CES East Valley – Morongo Basin Arch
CES West Valley – Christian Development Center
CES Desert – Family Assistance Program
Helpful Links
San Bernardino C.O.R.E. Approach
Acronyms Definitions
Inland SoCal United Way – 211
Emergency Solutions Grants Service Providers
Guía de Refugio de Emergencia Y Clima Frío
Emergency and Cold Weather Shelter Flyer
Cooling Centers
Workforce Development
Veterans Crisis Line
Disability Benefits (SDDI program)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI program)
Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness (2010)
Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness (2012)